Course Available: September 2012
Exam Number: PRI101-4-3
An effective PR strategy will support an organisation’s corporate plan. This course will define a pragmatic approach to public relations and show delegates how public relations can become an integral part of corporate strategy. Particular emphasis is given to looking at practical ways in which a PR strategy can be created. Aspects of communication theory are covered, but most time is spent examining the case studies.
Topics Include
1-The nature of public relations
- Definition of Public Relations
- Mexican statement
- Differences between: Public Relations, Marketing, Advertising, and Propaganda
- Public Relations as a management function and its position within an organisation Role and duties of a Public Relations manager
2-The uses of Public Relations
- Use of Public relations in: Financial markets, International markets, Parliamentary liaison, Commercial markets, Non- profit organizations, Community relations, Crisis situations
3-The Publics of Public Relations
- Provide a suitable definition of publics in respect of Public relations
- Identifying major publics of an organisation
- Identify relevant, practical and economical ways of communicating with identified publics in a given scenario
- The consequences of failing to identify or target the correct publics
- The differences between: A market segment and publics, A target audience and a target market, Publics and a target audience
4-The communication process
- Communication process, including noise
- Elements involved in the communication model
- What is meant by noise in the communication process
- Feedback as an essential part of the communication process and the dangers of not reacting to feedback
5-The following topics will be briefly addressed trough the seminar
- Statutory legislation and voluntary controls
- Copyright, patent, trade-mark, plagiarism, brand and logo and the legal implications of each
- Differences between libel, slander and misrepresentation