Welcome to Cavendish University Zambia

The Cavendish Brand was started in 1985 with the establishment of Cavendish College in London. In the process of expanding the Brand to Africa, Cavendish University Zambia was established and commenced operation in 2005.

A Bonafide Private University: Cavendish University Zambia (CUZ) was registered in Zambia in 2004 under the Education Act, CAP136, of the Laws of Zambia for the purpose of providing ‘University Education’.

Growth and Development

  • During the period of 2005 and year to date, the student numbers have grown to totals of 8,287 for intakes and 3,751 for graduates. This is shown in the breakdown below:
YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL
Intake 173 350 855 909 801 866 934 1023 1174 1202 8287
Graduates  N/A  N/A 160 488 514  N/A 983 446 600 560 3751
  • With the goal of providing students with a high quality academic learning experience, CUZ has ensured that:
  • Study programmes are delivered exceptionally by qualified and experienced lecturers.
  • Courses are systematically monitored and updated to incorporate new developments and theories.


  • An increase in the student body in various disciplines called for the construction of the Kafue campus in 2010. This also resulted into the launch of the School of Medicine in 2011 and the opening of the School of Law at the Cairo campus.
  • The University has held 7 graduation ceremonies since its commencement. It focuses on having a successful graduate, who will be at a competitive position of applying for work, already possessing appropriate abilities, with solid understanding of the subject areas.
  • CUZ has been in position to provide employment to various categories of people including both Academic and Non-academic within the University and also different stakeholders outside the University which may include, suppliers, service deliverers.
  • The brand has been able to expand into Central and Southern Africa where it gets majority of its students from. The countries include: Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, DRC and Nigeria.

Marketing Positioning

CUZ is positioned as the most preferred International University.

Schools and/or Faculties

CUZ has over 50 programmes altogether:

  1. School of Law
  2. School of Arts, Education and Social Sciences
  3. School of Business Finance and Management
  4. School of Medicine
  5. D. Programme
  6. Joint Programmes

Affiliations and Accreditations

Locally, our main Quality Assurance premise is the accreditation by the Ministry of Education, accreditation and approvals from regulatory authorities such as:

  1. Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ)
  2. General Nursing Council
  3. Technical and Vocation Education and Training Authority (TEVET)

We also have affiliation status with institutions such as:

  1. Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
  2. Association of African Universities (AAU)
  3. Distance Education Association of Southern Africa (DEASA)
  4. Private Universities Association of Zambia
  5. National Recognition Information Centre for United Kingdom (NARIC)
  6. Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI)
  7. Local Professional bodies


Besides its sister university, Cavendish University Uganda (CUU), CUZ has continued to enhance its international perspective, through nurturing strong collaborations with well-established international higher education’s institutions. The recent partnerships include ACCA, Mewar University of India and the University of Dodoma of Tanzania. These collaborative arrangements foster Academic and research excellence through:

  • Promoting exchange of scientific materials, innovations and publication
  • Academic and non-academic students exchange programme.
  • Academic and non-academic staff exchange programme.
  • Development of new products.
  • Capacity building and staff development initiatives.
  • Quality assurance monitoring and evaluation.
  • Research and many other forms of cooperation that may be agreed by both parties.

For more information please contact: 

Head Office – Lusaka

Mezzanine Floor INDECO House
Cairo Road,
P.O. Box 34625
Tel: +260 211 230106/ 260 211 230991
Email: cavendish.uni@gmail.com 
Website: http://www.cavendishza.org


2nd Floor, ZIMCO House,
Cairo Road,
P.O. Box 34625
Tel: +260 211 230106 EXT 130


Lusaka – Indeco house
cairo Road,
P.O. Box 34625
Tel: +260 211 230993,

MUNALI CAMPUS- School of Medicine

Kazimuli Close, off Kamloops road ,
P.O. Box 34625
Tel: +260 211 293553/293698,