Description of the courses key attributes:

Course Hours

The course’s hour is an indicative of the number of hours a learner require to complete the course, including course work, self-study, and class room or online time. AS a general rule, the structured teaching (online or in class room) is approximately between 35% to 50% of the hours indicate in the tables above, subject to teaching environment (Academic level of learners, language of teaching, the online support, the teaching schedule, etc.) 

Course Level

The course level is based on The EQF guidelines. The EQF (European Qualification Framework) uses 8 reference levels based on learning outcomes. For more information follow the link below:

Notice: The list below is for basic guideline only.
Level 1 – equivalent to Basic Skills/Introductory
Level 2 – equivalent to Technician/Apprentice
Level 3 – equivalent to High School Diploma
Level 4 – equivalent to Year one of Degree
Level 5 – equivalent to Associate Degree
Level 6 – equivalent to Graduate Degree
Level 7 – equivalent to Post Graduate Degree
Level 8 – equivalent to Doctorate Degree

For more information click here. 

Course Credit

The Course credit, better known as continuing education credit (CEC) is a measure used in continuing education programs. Generally, a CEU is defined as 10 to 15 hours of participation in a continuing education program, with qualified instruction and sponsorship. CEC records are widely used to provide evidence of completion of continuing education requirements by employers, further education establishment, or simply for individuals to build their body of knowledge and expertise. The records also provide employers and education establishments with information on training pertinent to particular occupations.

Also visit this page for more information on: Exam and Certification Guidelines

Certificates and Diploma awards:

Qualification Titles:

Briefly the course’s level, is a measure of the sophistication of the course and course’s credit is a measure of the volume of the course. The certificate titles are indicative of these two elements. Finally each certificate will have a grade (exam mark) which is measure of the student competent in the subject. Mark/Grades guidelines are as follow (they are set for each course independently):

  • Pass (45%  –  55%)
  • Credit/Merit (56% – 75%)
  • Distinction (76% – 100%)

Single subject certificate wording.

EQF Level

Title of Certificate

3 Certificate
4 Professional Certificate
5 Advance Professional Certificate
6 and 7 Post Graduate Certificate

Group Diploma certificate wording follows the following rules.

Diplomas are issued once a learner complete a required number of courses and achieve the threshold number of credits at the right level for the given qualification.

EQF Level

Title of Certificate

Minimum Credit

3 Diploma 10 credit at level 3 and above
4 Professional Diploma 18 with at least 10 credit at level 4 and above
5 Advance Professional Diploma 25 with at least 10 credit at level 5 and above
6 and 7 Post Graduate Diploma 35 with at least 20 credit at level 6 and above

Our Diploma qualifications are designed to allow the learner to achieve recognition for their continuous development and build upon their previous studies.