Why people fail in solving problems effectively

Solving problems is a complex process and each of us is better at the skills required at some stages than others.

List of the reasons why people fail to find effective solutions:

  • Not being methodical
  • Misinterpreting the problem
  • Insufficient or inaccurate information
  • Failure to ensure effective implementation
  • Lack of commitment to solving the problem
  • Inability to combine analytical and creative thinking
  • Inability to use the problem solving techniques effectively
  • Using a problem solving method inappropriate to the particular problem
  • Lack of knowledge of the techniques and processes involved in problem solving

Problem solving can be divided  into stages, which you must follow methodically if you want to be sure of finding an effective solution. Solving problems effectively requires a con­trolled mixture of analytical and creative thinking skills.

Remember: A problem exists when an obstacle prevents you reaching an objective.

Advanced Problem Solving & Decision Making Workshop

problem solvingThis advanced course focuses on tackling business and organisational issues, finding creative solutions to improve performance and achieve a competitive advantage. The workshop is highly interactive and it is suitable for middle to top management.

This workshop has an incredibly responsive an refreshingly design And it has some unique features, an online support course, unlimited access, advanced exercises and so much more!