Course Title: Marketing
Course Available: September 2012
Exam Number: MAR101-4-3


Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, marketing management is one of the major components of business management. You can take the help of reliable local SEO agencies (visit here for more info about them) to help you come first in search engine results and your prospects find you easily without the help of expensive ads.

The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions. It proposes that in order to satisfy its organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs and wants of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than competitors.


This course is intended for those interested in a career in marketing either in a commercial or industrial company or in a non-profit organisation (such as a charity, trade association or government department) that undertakes marketing on an extensive scale, or even digital like WebCitz. It is also aimed at those working or seeking to work in the associated organisations such as public relations consultancies, sales promotion companies and direct response marketing agencies.

Topics include:

1- Marketing Organisation

  • Co-ordination of marketing with other management functions.
  • The marketing department: structure: authority and responsibilities.
  • The selection and use of external agencies and consultancies.

2- Specialised Marketing

  • Industrial, business-to-business, export, international, global and corporate marketing.
  • Franchising in terms of its key benefits and disadvantages, growth, organisation and management.

3- The Role of Marketing

  • Monitoring of external forces, User values – discovery and monitoring, matching product benefits to user requirements.
  • The creation of an internal marketing plan.
  • Analysis of business activities in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths (SWOT).
  • Marketing auditing as a part of marketing planning.
Speaker: Alan Taylor
Content: Video, Notes, Articles, and Assignments
Duration: 45 hours
Level: 4
Credit: 3