Why Teaching Online?

Teaching online can be very different from teaching in a traditional classroom. An instructor who accepts employment teaching online must be prepared to help students learn without face-to-face interaction and live discussion.

Working online certainly isn’t for everyone. However, many instructors enjoy the freedom of virtual instruction and the opportunity to interact with students from around the nation. Is working online right for you? Explore the pros and cons of e-instruction, the requirements necessary for it, and the ways you can find an online job.

How to Qualify for Positions

In order to qualify for a position online teaching , applicants must generally meet the same requirements as traditional teachers. At the high school level, online teachers must have a bachelor’s degree and a teaching license. At the community college level, a master’s degree is the minimum requirement for teaching. At the university level, a doctorate is generally required. In some cases, colleges accept adjunct online professors without requiring them to meet the same standards as traditional, tenure-track teachers. At every level of online teaching , schools seek candidates who are familiar with the internet and content management systems such as Blackboard. Prior experience with teaching and instructional design is highly desirable.


There are many advantages to working online. Virtual instructors are often able to work from anywhere they choose. You could get an online job for a prestigious school in another state and not have to worry about relocating. Since many e-courses are taught asynchronously, instructors are often able to set their own hours while working online.


Online teaching  also comes with some notable drawbacks. Sometimes a pre-made curriculum is forced upon instructors working online, denying them the ability to use materials that have proved successful in their past courses. Online teaching  can be isolating, and many instructors prefer interacting face-to-face with their pupils and peers. Some schools do not value online adjunct teachers, which can result in less pay and less respect in the academic community.

Find Jobs

Some colleges fill teaching positions by selecting from the current faculty pool. Others post job descriptions specifically for instructors interested in working online. Below are some of the best places to find jobs. When looking for positions on websites without a distance learning focus, simply type “online instructor,” “online teacher,” “online adjunct,” or “distance learning,” into the search box.

Jobs Opportunities

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Article by: Jamie Littlefield About.com Distance Learning