Mobile Marketing Advice That Even A Novice Can Use

Mobile marketing is a fast paced and exciting way to get the word out about your product or services. Since your contact is direct to the customer, you need to make sure you get it right the first time or risk making a bad impression, losing a potential sale, and quite possibly garnering an unfavourable business reputation. Read on for some valuable advice on mobile marketing done right!

  • Use scannable QR codes to introduce your brand to customers. Link a QR code with a discount or coupon that is only found on the mobile application, product information, short video or another relevant item of value to the user. This is effective at getting customers familiar with your brand.
  • When you are setting up your marketing adds for cell phones, they must be cross-platform compatible. Every one has a different phone, and you don’t want to end up cutting off some people from seeing your advertisement just because of the phone that they have. Your customers will not switch phones, though they may switch from your product to one that they see all the time on their phone.
  • Keep your text messages, social network posts and e-mails brief and concise. If the message is too long, people tend to dismiss it immediately. The message shout be short, urgent and contain a call of action. It should not be a quarter page ad, but instead a short message aimed to alert consumers of discounts or promotions.
  • Ensure that you are covered in the legal element of mobile marketing. This doesn’t mean you have to strap up a team of lawyers, but you want to ensure that you are taking the right steps to ensure that you aren’t going to gain some sort of legal trouble through nondisclosure of full information.
  • Be very aware of the market conditions around you when involved in mobile marketing. If anything changes that you’re not absolutely prepared for, you can easily be left behind and lose a lot of business. The internet is constantly changing, especially the still-evolving mobile leg of it. Always stay prepared for change.
  • Always get the permission of those you wish to add to your database. While you could have a single-opt in option that could be confusing to some and reach out to many, you will find more complaints if you haven’t ensured that your database has given full permission for you to reach them through mobile marketing.
  • All mobile marketers would do well to remember that mobile marketing is not a typical marketing strategy. In fact, it isn’t really a strategy at all. It’s simply a means of communication. Trying to approach mobile marketing like basic internet marketing just will not work out well for you in the end.

There is so much to consider when taking your business to the mobile marketing arena and so much at stake. Hopefully this article has shed some light on the process and given you some smart tips on how to give your business the right exposure using mobile marketing while avoiding some of the mistakes that could really cost you!


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