Having good communication skills is a must for entrepreneur. Effective Communication skills are essential at the time of project explanation, elevator pitches, presentation, training as well as many other areas where a person has face-to-face talk with people.

Prepare an impactful delivery.

Once you’ve developed a fresh idea, it’s time to work on organizing your message and polishing your delivery.

  • How will you launch a stunning opening and closing line?
  • How will you organise your material succinctly, so that it is both moving and memorable?
  • Should you use humour? Persuasion?
  • What kind of compelling details should be included?
  • Would a story be appropriate?

Remember that your delivery also includes your vocal and non-verbal communication (body language), which are critical to the success of your overall message. 

Winston Churchill practiced one hour for every minute of talk-time. A polished delivery is not about cobbling together the “perfect words” and then memorizing them like a robot. It is all about the way you competently and confidently convey your message in real-time.

Take the time to internalize the subject matter and work on the mechanics until you own them. The delivery should feel so natural that you hardly have to think about it. Note that while practicing your message aloud, you may realize that the content needs to be tweaked. Welcome these edits. You’re on you way to chiseling out the heart of your message so that it falls nicely on the ear.

It’s often a good idea to send your draft material to someone you trust (even a subject matter expert) for honest, constructive feedback. Whatever you do, don’t become defensive. Throw your ego out the door and apply what you learn to sharpen your saw.

Remember: Real communication involves purposeful exchanges between all interested parties. If you’re doing all the talking, you’re not maximizing opportunities to create reciprocal understanding or expand the reach of your thought leadership.

4 Communication Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

1-Conciseness and Clarity.

If you want to be able to convey messages quickly and efficiently, you don’t necessarily need to learn to talk quickly. But you do need to learn how to get to the point quickly. The fewer words you use to express the idea and the sharper you make your language, the better. Learning to express yourself clearly will also help your conciseness. It will also make it less likely that people will misunderstand what you’re trying to say.

2- Listening.

Some people don’t differentiate the ability to hear from listening. These are two different things. Hearing is a passive ability. Listening shouldn’t be passive. It should be active.

The deal with passive listening is that you have to maintain complete concentration on what is being said. You want to be sure that you fully understand everything This is something that should be reflected in your answers. Active listening also involves being able to remember the conversation after it’s finished.

Active listening has several benefits besides the obvious ones. Active listeners are often perceived as being more empathetic and interested in what people have to say, for example. That will help you foster a healthier communication culture in your business, and it will make you a better leader.

3- Written Communication.

Knowing how to be concise and express yourself clearly will be very helpful when writing emails. It might be even more helpful with instant messaging, another very popular form of written communication. But it might not suffice. Writing emails has its own set of best practices you need to know. You should also master other forms of writing you are likely to use.

4- Body Language Understanding and Control.

You probably heard the rule that body language accounts for 93% of all interpersonal communication. The commonly quoted statistic isn’t actually a rule, and it’s not even quoted correctly. It comes from two studies that found that 93% of communication is non-verbal, and that body language amounts to 55% of all communication.

Nevertheless, body language is extremely important in everyday communication, and it’s one of the most important skills you can have as an entrepreneur. People will judge you before you utter a single word based on your appearance, posture, and hundreds of other signals that are processed unconsciously. You need to learn to recognise these signals. Then, you need to learn to control those that can be consciously controlled. Your goal is to learn to radiate confidence.

As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to meet a lot of people on your way to launching a new business. Not all of those meetings will be pleasant, and some will end unfavourably for you. However, learning to communicate well will give you a better chance of getting what you want out of every situation. And when your business idea lifts off, your communication skills will help it stay in flight longer.

The basic steps of communication are ?

  • The forming of communicative intent to make a healthy relationship.
  • Message composition to make a healthy dialogue between two participants.
  • Message encoding to hide your personal or confidential thoughts in a message.
  • Transmit encoded messages in a sequence of signals using specific channels.
  • Checking reception of signals to ensure the that they are active in communication.
  • Reconstruction of the original message and acknowledge on a particular chat.
  • Interpretation of previous messages and making a sensible reconstruction.