Another title for Internet Marketing Assistant Job might be “internet marketing coordinator job description”. Obviously any activity, such as internet marketing, that involves many different disciplines and skills, both within an organisation and across the supply base, needs careful and effective coordination if you are to achieve your corporate marketing objectives. Without an effective coordinator, other marketing staff could find themselves getting pulled into execution of the day to day activities in a haphazard and inefficient way.

Internet Marketing Assistant Job

What is the role of an internet marketing assistant?

An internet marketing assistant role (or internet marketing coordinator role) sits in the centre of all marketing activity – (maybe over time  “internet marketing” will simply become “marketing” ?).

The role will of course vary between any two organisations as a function of industry sector, technical architecture deployed, use of social media (or not) etc. however we have listed below a few of the more common role responsibilities.

This is a great learning ground for a bright and motivated person looking to progress in the internet marketing job world. An internet marketing assistant salary can be worth every single £ per year!

Examples of responsibilities, internet marketing assistant job description (internet marketing coordinator)

  • Working with internal marketing team and external suppliers to drive successful execution of the plan
  • Social networks – monitoring of activity, question answering, content creation, trend analysing, issue resolving
  • Budgets: practical management of budgets, fees and commissions (both spend and revenue)
  • Web traffic and source analytics monitoring and reporting against key performance indicators
  • Website maintenance and search engine optimisation – updating and improving content, helping to ensure the site structure is search engine efficient, maintenance of target keywords and phrases (with a supporting content plan to drive better rankings), ensuring all SEO activity is aligned to the particular products/services etc of the organisation.
  • Database marketing – maintenance of lists, segmentation, compliance with data law, goal setting and tracking (e.g. conversion)
  • Affiliations – contract administration, financial control of payments/receipts, promotion of special deals
  • Paid Search – control of budgets, success tracking and testing of different key words/phrases, return on investments reporting
  • Data input – this will be determined by the needs of the organisation
  • Working with external PR and others in the pursuit of high quality and relevant inbound links and recommendations etc
  • Contribute a passion and ongoing knowledge of internet and digital marketing as a key member of the marketing team

via Internet Marketing Assistant Job Description UK.