Implementing eLearning programme: The key to a successful eLearning project implementation is engagement. Effective stakeholder engagement and proper planning are intrinsically related and crucial for any project implementation. Make sure your stakeholders are engrossed, have buy-in from the start of your planning process and that you give attention to tasks, cost, and other relevant factors as well.

You should start by considering what you think the benefits will be and then list any potential challenges. You need to pay attention to things like the environment, your technology needs, and how prepared everyone is. Technological change may bring some challenges. Unless you want to keep doing the same things over and over in a digital environment, change is inevitable. Your goal should always be to do things better, which can’t happen if we don’t modify our old ways of approaching things. Challenges will be met; therefore, you need to be ready for the changes that come with introducing a comprehensive eLearning strategy. When deciding on new technology, you need to take not only the software itself into consideration but also organizational and change management principles.

We need a change in the traditional teacher-learner dynamics to make the most of eLearning. Teachers and learners should adopt new roles where teachers act as facilitators and learners are empowered independent active learning.

The research shows that technology integration requires more than just the acquisition of technical skills and the provision of technology tools. Organizational and change management are also required for a successful implementation.

It’s always tough when there’s a requirement for change in the workplace. People are typically resistant because they worry that their status, pay, or comfort could go down the drain. However, the new ways of working encourage continuous learning and development which are crucial to fostering innovation. And remember that teaching staff may not always be able to produce eLearning content at will. This can lead to resistance and implementation challenges if the right support mechanisms are not in place. However, with careful planning these can often be overcome.

Research shows that there are some best practices you can put in place when implementing eLearning programme to make your online learning more successful. Some of these actions include:

  • As your business continues to grow, it can be hard to change and prioritize new initiatives. Make sure you have a well-defined process in place for managing change and prioritizing new initiatives.

  • Support teachers by giving them the funding and central support they need to create their own course designs. Their efforts will help learners use technology-enhanced approaches that help make the learning process more engaging and might even save time in some circumstances.

  • Focus on making Learning Management System and tools scalable, sustainable, and easy to use.

  • If your organisation need help with tech, then it might be a good idea to bring in an eLearning Coordinator. They can help find ways that technology can contribute to the quality of teaching, eLearning experiences and assessment.

  • Create a Community of Practice to give staff members an avenue to share ideas and best practices for designing eLearning content. This will allow them to swap stories and experiences as well.

  • Communicate to the organization frequently. Communication helps everyone stay in the know and allows management to focus on overarching change and stakeholder management activities.

  • Accept resistance as a natural and inevitable part of life. Prepare yourself to deal with it.

  • Create a system for award recommendations for those who remix and republish open educational content.

It is important to know a learning organization needs to find a pedagogical approach that makes sense, then look for the tools and content to match their needs. One way for organizations to improve the efficacy of learning, is by developing specific task-related challenges and using digital content that people could see immediate application from it.

Cavendish program of training and support for your staff is the corner stone of our success. Cavendish approach allows the development of a meaningful, engaging, and practical training at point of need, supported by our team-based approach it ensures the development of skills and gradual understanding of disciplinary contexts for your staff and learners.

The factors enhancing your performance:

  • Increasing the trainers’ performance both in quality and quantity
  • Extending the geographical reach of your program
  • Increasing the organisation teaching capacity (number of learners)
  • Getting more out of your physical resources
  • On demand performance related reports

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