How to design your websiteGetting the most out of your website.
Written by  Matt Kellett
When starting a new website, it’s important to pay attention to key areas to ensure its success. While building a website can be enjoyable with the right tools, not everyone has the expertise to design and develop a website on their own. Fortunately, there are plenty of professional web design services available to help. Outible is one such service that offers a range of web design and development services to create a unique online presence for businesses and individuals. Their team of experts ensures that your website is visually appealing, professional, and optimized for maximum performance.

To make the most out of your website and generate leads, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

Simple guide lines on How to design your website:

Keeping it simple

One of the main reasons for people using the internet is to find something, be that a plumber in their local area or a golf course for their holiday location. As a result, you need to make sure your website is simple to use, simple to navigate and easy on the eye.


Keep the information on your site simple, the main page of your website should typically consist of 4 main sections:

  1. Who you are
  2. What you do
  3. Why people should use your services / products
  4. How people can contact your for additional information

Making use of this structure will help to focus the information you are providing to your visitors and maximise the potential of your content. You can then make use of additional pages on your site to promote certain products or services or showcase your products via a gallery. This brings us nicely onto navigation.


Navigation is one aspect of your site that can be overlooked, once visitors have decided they want more information about you and your business they need to be able to find this additional information or even contact you.

For example, consider you have 5 different pages:

  1. Home
  2. A page about your services
  3. A page showing examples of your work
  4. A page containing contact information
  5. A page containing a map

The ideal names for your links would be:

  1. Home
  2. Services
  3. Portfolio
  4. Contact Us
  5. Find Us

This is a very simple, easy to understand layout that tells visitors exactly what to expect when they visit those pages.

If people cannot find the information they are looking for then they will leave and find one of your competitors. Always ensure your navigation remains in the same place, is easy to identify and is easy to use.


The design is an important aspect of getting the most from your website because it is the first thing people see when they arrive at your site. However, contrary to common belief it is not the be all and end all and you do not need to spend thousands on the look and feel of your site.

 5 tips for a successful design are as follows:

  1. Keep it clean
  2. Keep it simple
  3. Choose a consistent look and feel
  4. Choose a colour scheme that reflects your business i.e. matches business cards, invoices etc.
  5. Ensure your main message is seen when someone visits your site.