Siamak Taslimi

Siamak Taslimi MSc BSc ARSM

Master Professional – Member European Mentoring and Coaching Council UK

What can we help you with?

By utilising different techniques, we can help our clients in all aspects of life. If you’ve ever struggled with something – whether it be sticking to a diet, learning a language, moving out of your comfort zone, standing up for yourself at work, then consulting a life coach could help you.

As a life coach, we approach things pragmatically. Through questions and exercises and will try to get a good idea of how you look at the world. From this we will be able to identify the most effective route to your goal.

Some people feel intimidated by the idea of change and so need to take things slowly to fulfil their goals. In this situation your life coach might divide ultimate goals into smaller bite-sized pieces. Other people may get impatient and lose interest. In this situation a life coach might suggest introducing stronger reminders and incentives to keep them on track.

However, you approach life, your life coach will be able to tailor your sessions to fit. Subjects we deal with include:

  • Business life – Starting and running a business is tough work. Sometimes we get so absorbed in hard work we neglect ourselves. Life coaches can help with confidence, leadership, decision-making and work/life balance.
  • Personal life – Do you feel like you’re not making the most of life? There’s so much to see, do and learn in this world, but often a lack of confidence, time and will-power can cause us to stay inside not doing anything. Life coaches use specialist skills to motivate their clients to do the things they want to do, so they can finally fight the urge to procrastinate.
  • Performance – Improvement is at the heart of life coaching. Whatever your skill, life coaching could help improve it. Whether you’re an athlete, an artist, a writer, a performer, or a musician – adopting specialist techniques will help you to push your limitations and exceed expectations.
  • Relationship – Do you wish you had the confidence to approach someone you have your eye on? Do you struggle with commitment? Are you struggling to cope with a divorce? Whatever the problem, a life coach could help you to understand your love-life and work towards improving it.