The Educators’ teaching zone allows you to have your own classroom with full control over content and participation. Use it as your teaching support facility, or to run your own courses, it is your choice.
Today most of us working in the education and training industry are asked by our employers to use some form of web-based teaching facility, from simple file sharing systems to full online delivery. Naturally we all have to acquire new skills and also develop better structured teaching material as such systems demand.
For those who have to deliver the content i.e. teachers, instructors, lecturers, trainers, this may create more work, but this extra effort is more than offset by the benefits that will accrue.The extra work cannot be avoided, and has to be accepted as part of the job. I will leave it to your employers to convince you how this extra workload will be of benefit.
I have no doubt that future advances in this technology will bring immense benefit to learners and educational institutions and I am all for it.
The Educators’membership does not create any obligation on your part, we do not list you on this site and your course or virtual classroom will not be displayed anywhere except on your web-environment.
Join us and enjoy the freedom.
The Educators listed on this site are colleagues which we work with.
We hope you will apply to join them.
EDUCATORS –To join us as an educator visit