What is Moodle? Think of a school staffroom: teaching materials in one corner, registers with names and student scores, in-trays, noticeboard, rogue’s gallery, supplementary materials shelf, library, audio cassettes, videos, worksheets, etc. Now add a classroom where students can try out those materials and keep detailed records of their activities. Moodle is an electronic version of all this (and much more) in one website. It is an e-learning tool that offers a simple and safe solutions to all concerned, no matter how large or small, be it an individual teacher or a huge university. Moodle facilitates online collaborations, which can be teacher-to-student, teacher-to-teacher, or student-to-student.

Courses on Moodle Platform?

Each course has its own set of resources and activities, called ‘modules’ in Moodle, and are customised in terms of organisation and appearance. Courses are password-protect so that only enrolled students and teachers can have access. Course modules are filled with activities and texts, including audio and video.

  • Students can upload Assignments for teachers to mark. Teachers get an automatic alert when a new assignment arrives. All marks can be stored in the Moodle gradebook.
  • The built-in Chat module is a handy teaching tool for groups of students working with or without the teacher to discuss an issue, or answering questions set by the teacher. The chats are saved and can be reviewed by the teacher at any time.
  • The Forum module enables students to have virtual seminars. The teacher provides a text or audio & visual files, which the students respond to, one after another.
  • The Glossary is like the database, except you can allow users to rate each other’s contributions.
  • The Quiz module offers a wide range of quizzes and tests with which teachers can create revision activities.

Why choose Moodle?

Moodle has been around since 1999. It is used by tens of thousands of institutions for online learning worldwide. Moodle’s biggest draw is that it allows education providers to organise a wide variety of resources and activities in one place along with learner tracking and individual learning pathways.

How to manage your profile on Moodle.

Before opening your account, please read the Membership Guidelines, keeping in mind just a few membership guidelines will help us organise and maintain a productive and a safe learning environment.  These guidelines reflect our long-held and esteemed values of integrity, confidentiality, collegiality, and cooperation.

Keeping in mind just a few membership guidelines will help us organise and maintain a productive and a safe learning environment.  These guidelines reflect our long-held and esteemed values of integrity, confidentiality, collegiality, and cooperation.

You can keep your profile input to a minimum entry requirement (*). In cases that The Educators is expected to issue a qualification, you must upload your photo and enter your correspondence address.

Moodle User Guide – Profile

To gain access to Cavendish campus, you must open an account, go to Campus login (top menu) and follow the instruction to open a new account, it is self-explanatory: You can keep your profile input to a minimum entry requirement (*).

  • Username
  • New password
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • City/town
  • Select a country

Make sure you save the account information by selecting Update profile at the bottom of the page. If any entered information is incorrect, system will display error messages right next to the field. In cases that The Educators is expected to issue a qualification, you must upload your photo and enter your correspondence address.


Please note that this membership does not create any legal or commercial agreement between the members and Cavendish college. Cavendish reserve the rights to terminate or suspend any membership at any time and Cavendish decision is final.

Courses on Moodle Platform?

Each course has its own set of resources and activities, called ‘modules’, and are customised in terms of organisation and appearance. Courses are password-protect so that only enrolled students and teachers can have access. Course modules contain resources and activities (in the form of texts, audio, and video)

A course sample shown below, course is made of modules which are grouped under subject/lesson headings. You can gain access to the module by clicking on its title.

Sample of modules, they contain notes, lectures, activities, etc.

Moodle course